Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Overseas Nursing Recruitment - Private Agencies are back in the game April 2016

Overseas Nursing Recruitment - Private Agencies are back in the game April 2016

          Union Govt of India is about to cancel the recruitment ban imposed on private nursing recruitment agencies for nursing recruitment to ECR(Gulf) countries.
The statement was delivered yesterday by the Protector General of Emmigrants - M. C Luther, in the Delhi Highcourt.

          In 2015 March, Union Govt of India had empowered govt agencies such as Norka Roots, ODEPC, OMCL Tamil Nadu to recruit nurses to 18 ECR Countries and Nurses need to produce permission from Protector of Emigrants office for the concerned recruitment. 
The order was issued by the Indian Ministry for Foreign Affairs in March 2015. The Govt is now making amendments in this order.

          As a first step, Private agencies will be given permission to recruit to Saudi Arabia and later to other ECR Countries. But emmigration clearence for nurses from PGOA will be required for all the recruitments. 
There will not be any change in this.

          Appeal against the GO was given by MK tours and travels, Hiba exports, Association of Overseas Recruitment Agents, Sonia International etc to High Court of Delhi. The case was considered by Justice Manmohan's bench.

          The progress in the planned amendments as explained by PGOA will be seen while reconsidering the case on April 27, 2016.
 PGOE also explained the difficulties that his office is facing due to shortage of staff.

          Eventhough the ban for nursing recruitment by private agencies will be removed, all recruitments will be under the close observation of the Govt of India.
 The Court observed that the initial government order will not be standing in view of Emmigration laws of Govt of India.

          The PGOE informed high court of Delhi that the department is recieving many complaints about private nursing recruitments held in India.
 Hope this is a good move from the side of govt of India which will encourge more overseas recruitment for nurses in the near future.

Note: we (vr4u) are not recruiters, instead we just sharing available jobs in worldwide, once you click on the Apply / job title, will direct you to the career page of concerned job provider, so vr4u is not directly or indirectly involve in any stage of recruitment.

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